ORDaR (OTELo Research Data Repository) is Research Data Repository of Observatory Earth Environnemment of Lorraine (OTELo).
ORDaR offers a secure and perennial environment for datasets deposit and makes it possible to obtain a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for publication or datapaper.
All datasets produced by OTELo's Laboratories is published in ORDaR in three types:
Only OTELo 's Research Team are authorized to deposit datasets (previously verified and validated)
All metadata are open and describes in international standards, they are downloadable in 4 formats:
Finally, each dataset is published with a Creative Common license that specifies the terms of legal reuse
This Repository aims to promote open access : valuing and sharing knowledge.
It foreshadows European and national requirements (H2020 and Law for a digital french republic called LEMAIRE)